Retail Media: State of the Industry Report 2022 | APAC Edition

29 March '22

Retail media is enjoying an unprecedented surge in investment right now.

A substantial amount of this income is – and will continue to be – generated through sales to consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies. While Amazon attracts ad revenues from a wide variety of sources, the majority of grocery media revenues are driven by CPG brands, understandably keen to reach out to shoppers in as many ways as possible as they move through their retail journeys.

In APAC, Covid has had a fundamental, and in many cases lasting, impact on the way that we shop. But what’s behind this unprecedented rise in retail media? What are the main drivers? Who are the key players? Which channels are seeing greatest growth and innovation?

Download our APAC version of Retail Media: State of the Industry report 2022 to get up to speed with the fastest growing media networks for brands and agencies.

Download Retail Media: State of the Industry Report 2022 (APAC Edition)

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